You may have noticed there’s been a lot of news in 2017. But UK news headlines have been swamped by Brexit and Trump, two stories straddling the news landscape like the Petronas Twin Towers. But like Kuala Lumpur itself, tucked away beneath the behemoths there are plenty of smaller and more interesting places to be found. So journalist Michael Moran (@TheMichaelMoran) plus myself and a few like-minded souls have focussed on the quirkier side of the news this year, in a competitive search for #HeadineOfTheDay material which we exchange on Twitter (Michael acts as chief gatekeeper and distributor). Clickbait is a staple of online news but a good headline has always been used to grab a reader’s interest. There’s little point in carefully crafting an elegant and revealing article, then putting “ Man Does Thing ” in 100pt bold letters at the top – the attention (and more importantly the quantity) of readers depends on a good headline. Sometimes the story turns out...