This morning, before the absolute flood of news and Twitter
activity concerning David Davis lying to Parliament, the Cambridge News put out
their morning edition – with a hint about another kind of flood.
Maybe because there's just so much news around right now they may have overlooked a couple of
minor errors on the front page. Maybe…
The eagle-eyed among us spotted this: -
Cambridge News (1st Edition)
Now I’m no expert in journalism (you can tell, right?) but
this doesn’t look quite, well, right. But then I got to thinking – what could this
major headline mean? It could be an oversight – but what if it wasn’t?
In true Dan Brown style I immediately scanned other news of
the day to see what they could be referring to. And after literally minutes of
in-depth research, I found it.
Unfortunately, my tweet to the Cambridge News resulted in a
hasty attempted cover-up by them, with them announcing a different headline in
their sister paper (to avoid the obvious panic that would ensue from suggesting the city could soon be underwater).
But I reckon the Truth is Out There - when the storm does hit and
a 100PT SPLASH HEADS THERE*, I expect the News will come clean
and publish the true story tomorrow.
I just pity the poor soon-to-be-drenched residents
of Cambourne, kept in the dark as to their impending fate.
* (pints, I assume - I mean it's not a lot but Cambridge is very flat).
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