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Showing posts from September, 2019

Corbyn’s neutral stance on a second referendum may be smarter than it appears.

An eye-opening announcement appeared in many of today’s news outlets that after a General Election any Labour majority government plans to negotiate a Brexit deal representing a closer relationship with Europe and put this to the vote. But not only would the party not force a united Leave/Remain campaigning position on its MPs in a 2 nd Referendum, the leader himself suggests he would remain neutral. This brought more howls of seemingly justified outrage from Labour supporters and/or Remain-minded voters. But in the context of a party heading for a General Election this may actually prove to be a smart move. Labour under Jeremy Corbyn have long faced criticism for their strategic ambiguity over Brexit, initially on whether there should even be a 2 nd referendum, and more recently on how to campaign if we get one. But that Labour now pledge to try to negotiate a new, closer Brexit relationship with the EU and put it to the public in a 2 nd referendum should come as no surprise...

Government finally shows a path through the chaos. Several in fact.

Yesterday, government finally provided some much-needed clarity on exactly what their plans are and will be in coming weeks to break through the parliamentary deadlock, turn chaos into order and finally deliver the Holy Gail of Brexit, Do or Die. In various reports from several journalists yesterday, sources close to government and others have suggested that Prime Minister Johnson: -   Was considering bringing back a version of the Northern Ireland-only backstop. Has had meetings with the DUP in which he rejected any notion of a Northern Ireland-only backstop. Is trying to entice back into the party those Tory rebel MPs expelled under instruction from his SpAd for voting against him last week. Is appealing to One-Nation Tories to help him counter the “spears in my back” expected from the ERG & DUP when he brings a plan to parliament (those not so disillusioned with Johnson they’re quitting politics altogether, one assumes). Has begun “scoping” conversation...

Classic Dom isn't a superhero - he's the Joker

Yesterday ITV political journalist Robert Peston wrote the latest in a series of articles which have been baffling in their unstinting praise of Boris Johnson and the Strategic Genius of Dominic Cummings. From someone widely respected for his previously impartial reporting, the recent swerve has been remarkable. However yesterday's piece went further than of late and descended into literal hero-worship. Superhero worship, in fact. The article was peppered with surprising assertions, beginning with the idea that a request by parliament for full disclosure of communications relevant to the PMs decision to prorogue parliament for five weeks was "a naked attempt to politically assassinate Dominic Cummings". This assassination only works of course if Cummings actually did ask/order Johnson to lie about why he shuttered parliament. Otherwise it proves his innocence and makes Dominic Grieve look like a vindictive man and a fool. From that high point it went downhill rapidl...