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Showing posts from October, 2018

What America Needs right now is MORE NEWS.

In the US and UK, many would argue that there is too much news right now – simply too much happening daily for the average person to absorb and process even a reasonable portion of it. But it seems to me there is room for a little more in the US, in the form of a Daily Democrat Press Briefing. Because in a world where Fake News is king, with a President who is the King of Fake News, a window opens to present the facts as seen from the other end of the spectrum. Berkley professor Helen Halpin (Twitter: @Helenhs) and others have suggested a daily event where the news of the day, and specifically Trump's latest falsehoods and outrages, can be discussed in an open Press forum, with questions, from a Democrat viewpoint. The question is - who would do it? Who represents the Democrat party in this way? Who is their front man/woman? The GOP obviously don't have what anyone would call a "leader" right now, but they do have a "boss" and a front man in Trump....